mac book pro 上玩dota 2024-12-06 11:19:21 0 0 mac book air和mac book pro哪一个好用,适合玩游戏,性价比高,可以玩dota'魔兽世界等游戏? 玩dota或者魔兽不如买游戏本,因为这俩游戏没有Mac版。air和pro主要差别无非在cpu、显卡、内存上限,pro相对来说要更加出色一些,对于图像处理视频制作来说pro算是个不错的选择,但它们都不适合玩游戏。 总有刁民想害朕,听说是DOTA2骷髅王的台词? 骷髅王并没有总有刁民想害朕 这句台词,本人也从来没听到过有说这句台词是骷髅王的,如果有人说是,请叫其找出 以下为骷髅王官方台词 冥魂大帝:奥斯塔里昂 击杀音效: 一血: § First Blood! I've still got it! § 一血!我还是得到了他! § It is only right that First Blood should go to your king! § 只有一血被你的国王得到才是正确的! 击杀沙王: § What sort of king was that? § 这是哪门子国王? 击杀痛苦女王: § My queen. § 我的王后。 § Oh Queen of Pain, I still can't feel your touch. § 哦痛苦女王,我还是感受不到你的轻触。 § I would that you had joined me as my queen. § 我更希望你加入我成为我的王后。 击杀不朽尸王: § Undying, they called you. That's a laugh. § 他们居然称你为不朽,真是个笑话。 击杀术士: § You'll make a better subject than anything in your book. § 你自己可以在你的书里成为一个比任何其他东西都更好的话题。 击杀地穴编织者: § You dared raise a hand or whatever that is against yourking? § 你居然胆敢举手还是举那个管他是什么的东西来反对你的王? 击杀死亡先知: § Your spirits have abandoned you to join my wraiths. § 你的幽灵们已经放弃了你而加入了我的幽魂。 击杀暗影萨满: § Your shades guided you to my kingdom. § 你的阴影指引你来到我的国度。 击杀灰烬之灵: § That ember was easily snuffed. § 那点灰烬很容易就被熄灭了。 击杀凤凰: § From ashes reborn. I know the feeling. § 从灰烬中重生,我知道那个感受。 击杀末日使者: § Sorry, Doom, I was a great admirer of your work. § 不好意思,末日使者,我其实是很羡慕你的工作的。 击杀深渊领主: § Underlord. Your title is worthless here. § 地下领主。你的头衔在这里毫无价值。 击杀弧光守卫: § Go back and guard your arcs. § 回去守卫你的弧光吧。 击杀亚巴顿: § And you call yourself a lord. § 你居然自称为领主。 § Was that some sort of lord? § 那是某种领主吗? 击杀巨魔战将: § Lord of what land were you again? § 你是哪片土地的领主来着? 击杀龙骑士: § Funny, I don't remember knighting that one. § 真好笑,我怎么不记得我给那家伙封过骑士。 击杀军团指挥官: § You should know better than to oppose a king. § 你应该知道不要反抗一个国王的。 击杀上古巨神: § Even titans must bend the knee. § 即使是泰坦也要在我面前屈膝下跪。 击杀天怒法师: § Court mage? More like court jester. § 高阶法师?更像是高阶小丑。 击杀大地之灵: § Your spirit was too lowly to stand before a king. § 你的灵魂太低下了,不配站在国王的面前。 击杀神谕者: § No amount of foresight could have prepared you. § 再多的预见也不能让你准备好。 击杀灵魂守卫: § You were a poor pretender to my throne. § 你只是个我王座上可怜的傀儡。 击杀寒冬飞龙: § You are here out of season, Winter Wyvern. § 你在这里可不合季节啊,寒冬飞龙。 击杀炸弹人: § I could not tolerate such an explosive presence in mykingdom. § 我可不能忍受在我的国度里有这么个易爆的家伙存在。 同盟音效: 靠近战友 § I'll help my weak and puny allies where I can. § 我会在需要的时候帮助我那些弱小同盟的。 靠近战友帕吉: § Well met, man of meat. § 你好啊,肉男。 靠近战友死亡先知: § Come and whisper your prophecies beside my throne. § 来吧,在我的王座边上给我轻述你的预言吧。 靠近战友沙王: § Let us align our kingdoms, oh Sandy One. § 让我们的国家联盟吧,沙王。 靠近战友痛苦女王: § I regret that as a wraith I can no longer feel pain. § 我很后悔作为一个幽魂,我已经无法感受到痛苦了。 靠近战友不朽尸王: § Undying! Simpatico! § 不朽尸王!和蔼可亲! 靠近战友噬魂鬼: § Lifestealer, if you ever feel like serving a differentmaster, let me know. § 噬魂鬼,如果你某天感觉想侍奉一个新的主人,告诉我一声。 靠近战友风行者: § What brings you to these wraithly woods, Windranger? § 什么把你带到这片冥魂森林来的啊,风行者? 靠近战友大地之灵: § I welcome the Spirit of Earth, though I'll not be buried init. § 尽管我不会被埋葬在土里,我还是欢迎土之精灵的到来的。 靠近战友凤凰: § Ah, Phoenix, one who knows what it's like to fall and riseagain. § 啊,凤凰,你是哪个知道倒下又复生的感觉的人。 靠近战友灵魂守卫: § Will you dedicate your blade to my service, oh TerrifyingOne? § 你愿意将你的利刃奉献服务于我吗,恐怖的家伙? 靠近战友神谕者: § Oracle, you must have foreseen that your future lies withme. § 神谕者,你一定预见到了你的未来和我在一起。 靠近战友深渊领主: § Ah, I've been looking for you. I hereby assign you Lordshipof the Abyss! § 啊,我一直在找寻你。我现在册封你为深渊领主! 靠近战友混沌骑士: § I dub thee Chaos Knight! How's that for a name? Not bad,eh? § 我授予你混沌骑士称号!这个做名字怎么样?不错吧,哈? 特殊: § My kingdom is in every way improved beyond whatever it wasbefore. § 我的过度不管在哪方面都比以前有了很大的进步。 § Purer than flesh, stronger than bone, imperishable is theessence of the wraith. § 比肉体更纯净,比白骨更强硬,不朽就是冥魂的真谛。 § I scarce recall the kingdom of my first coronation. Thewraith flame has consumed those memories. § 我已经回忆不起我第一次加冕的国家了。冥魂的烈焰已经将那些记忆都磨灭了。 § The ossuaries of the first regime have all been clothed in flesh. § 第一个政体的骨灰罐已经被肉体包裹了。(楼主未能理解这段话的意义) § The first kingdom seems like a fever dream now--a place ofclattering bone white trees and towers. § 第一个国度现在看起来像是一场热梦———一个到处都是铿锵作响的白骨做的树和塔。 § I miss my bones. § 我怀念我的骨头。 § Where once was bone, wraith flesh as far as the eye cansee. § 曾经是骨头的地方,只要眼睛能够看到的地方,冥魂将会替代他们成为新的肉体。 § No bones about it! § 不需要什么骨头了! §I'm just so niubility! §我就是这么吊! 收藏(0)