
一、dota 道具 英文名称

Clarity Potion小净化药水

Healing Salve大血瓶

Ancient Tango of Essifation吃树


Observer Wards假眼

Sentry Wards真眼

Dust of Appearance显影尘


Scroll of Town Portal回程

Gloves of Haste加速手套

Maske of Death死亡面具

Ring of regeneration回复戒指

Kelen's Dagger跳刀

Sobi Mask艺人面罩

Boots of Speed鞋子

Gem of True Sight真视宝石

Planeswalker's Cloak魔抗斗篷

Magic Stick小魔棒

Talisman of Evasion闪避护符

Ghost Scepter幽魂权杖

Gauntlets of Strength拳头

Slippers of Agility袜子

Mantle of Intelligence智力斗篷

Ironwood Branch树枝

Belt of Giant Strength巨人力量腰带

Boots of Elecenskin精灵皮靴

Robe of the Magi法师长袍

Circlet of Nobility贵族圆环

Ogre Axe食人斧子

Blade of Alacrity欢欣之刃

Staff of Wizardry魔力法杖

Ultimate Orb极限法球

Blades of Attack爪子




Ring of Protection守护指环

Stout Shield圆盾


Mithril Hammer秘银锤


Helm of Iron will铁意

Plate Mail板甲

Quelling Blade补刀斧

Boots of Travel飞鞋

Phase Boots相位靴

Power Treads假腿

Hand of Midas点金

Oblivion Staff空明杖


Poor Man's Shield穷鬼盾


Wraith Band系带

Null Talisman无用挂件

Magic Wand大魔杖


Vladmist's offering祭品

Arcane Ring密法

Flying Courier鸟

Nathrezim Buckler玄冥盾牌

Ring of Basilius圣殿

Khadgar's Ripe of Insight卡加长笛

Headdress of Rejuvenation回复头巾

Guinsoo's Scythe Of Vyse羊刀

Orchid Malevolence紫苑

Eul's Scepter of Divinity吹风

Force Staff弹射法杖


Necronomicon 40书

Aghanim's Scepter A杖

Refresher Orb刷新球

Assault Cuirass强袭

Hearts of Tarrasque魔龙心

Black King Bar黑黄

Aegis of the Immortal不朽盾

Shiva's Guard冰甲


Linken's Sphere林肯法球


Blade Mail刃甲

Soul Booster镇魂石

Hood of Defiance挑战头巾

Sange and Yasha对剑



Eye of Skadi冰眼



Helm of the Dominator支配


Staygian Desolator暗灭

Mask of madness疯狂面具

Diffusal Blade散失

Divine Rapier圣剑

Monkey King Bar猴王棒


The Butterfly蝴蝶

Buriza-do Kyanon大炮

Craniom Bsher碎骨锤

Battle Fury狂战拯救世界

Manta Style分身斧


Armlet of Mordiggian鬼手

Lothar's Edge洛萨

Demon Edge恶魔刀锋

Messerschemidt's Reaver大斧

Sacred Relic遗物

Hyper Stone振奋

Ring of Health回复指环

Void Stone虚无宝石

Mystic Staff神秘法杖

Energy Booster能量之球

Point Booster精气之球

Vitality Booster活力之球



强袭装甲 Assault Cuirass/强袭

希瓦之看守保护 Shiva's Guard/冰甲、西瓦

刃甲 Blade Mail

魔龙之心 Heart of Tarrasque/龙心

血精石 Bloodstone/血精

镇魂石 Soul Booster

黑皇杖 Black King Bar/黑黄、bkb

林肯法球 Linken'sphere/林肯

挑战帽子 Hood of Defiance/挑战

前锋盾 Vanguard/先锋

永不磨灭之看守保护 Aegis of the immortal/不朽盾

秘法圣所Arcane Sanctum

滚草的邪恶镰刀 Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse/羊刀

紫苑 Orchid Malevolence

艾路的神帐 Eul's Scepter of Divinity/风杖、吹风

弹射法杖 Force Staff/推推

达贡之神力 Dagon/根、大根、红帐

死灵书 Necronomicon

阿哈利姆的神杖 Aghanim's Scepter\蓝帐

刷新球 Refresher Orb/刷新

支援法衣 Supportive Vestments

梅肯斯姆 Mekansm/梅肯

吸血鬼披风 Vladmir's Offering

秘法指环 Arcane Ring/秘法

卡嘉之洞察长笛 Khadgar's pipe of insight/笛子

玄冥盾牌 Nathrezim Buckler

回复头巾 Headdress of rejuvenation

圣殿指环 Ring of Basilius/圣殿

飞行信使 Flying Courier/鸟

史前兵器 Ancient Weaponry

圣剑 Divine Rapier

金箍棒 Monkey King Bar/mkb

辉耀 Radiance/辉

胡蝶 the Butterfly

大炮 Buriza-Dokyanon

碎骨锤 Cranium Basher/晕锤

狂战斧 Battlefury/狂战

幻影斧 Manta Style/分身

透明水晶剑 Crystalys

食尸鬼王的臂章 Armlet of Mordiggian/臂章

洛萨之锋 Lothar's Edge/隐刀

诱惑遗物 Enchanted Artifacts

散夜对剑 Sange and Yasha/散夜、双刀

散华 Sange/单刀

夜叉 Yasha/单刀

撒旦之邪力 Satanic/撒旦

支配偶盔 Helm of the Dominator/支配

疯狂面具 Mask of Madness/疯狂

雷神之锤 Mjollnir/大雷锤

旋涡 Maelstrom/雷锤

散失之刃 Diffusal Blade/散失、净化刀

斯嘉蒂之眼 Eye of Skadi/冰眼

黯灭 Stygian Desolator

圣物关口 Gateway Relics

远行鞋 Boots of Travel/飞鞋、bot

相位鞋 Phase Boots

动力鞋 Power Treads/假腿

迈达斯之手 Hand of Midas/点金

空明杖 Oblivion Staff

坚韧球 Perseverance/龙珠

穷苦人盾 Poor Man's shield

护腕 Bracer

幽灵系带 Braith Band

无用挂件 Null Talisman

魔杖 Magic Wand

奎尔瑟兰的密室(恶魔遗物)Cache of Quel-thelan

加速手套儿 Gloves of Haste

吸血面具 Mask of Death

恢复指环 Ring of Regeneration

凯勒之匕首 Kelen's Dagger/跳刀

艺人面具 Sobi Mask

速率之鞋 Boots of Speed/草鞋、鞋

真实宝石 Gem of ture sight

旅法师大氅 Planeswalker's Cloak

魔棒 Magic Stick

闪避护符 Talisman of Evasion

幽魂法杖 Ghost Scepter/绿杖

奇迹古树(坟场)Ancient of Wonders

净化药水儿 Clarity Potion

治疗膏药 Healing Salve/大药

艾西菲的史前祭祀Ancient Tango of Essifation/吃树

魔瓶 Bottle

侦查保卫(假眼)Observer Ward

岗哨保卫(真眼)Sentry Ward

显影之尘 Dust of Appearance/粉

动物信使 Animal Courier/鸡

回程卷轴 Scroll of Town Portal/tp

饰品商人 Sena the Accesorizer

铁树枝干 Ironwood Branch

贵族圆环 Circlet of Nobility

极限法球 Ultimate Orb

智力大氅 Mantle of Intelligence

法师长袍 Robe of the Magi

魔力法杖 Staff of Wizardry

火速便鞋 Slippers of Agility

精灵皮靴 Boots of Elvenskin

欢欣之刃 Blade of Alacrity

力量手套儿 Gauntlets of Ogre Strength

伟人腰带 Belt of Giant Strength

食人魔之斧 Ogre Axe

武器商人 Weapons Dealer

攻击之爪 Claws of Attack

阔剑 Broadsword

短棍 Quarterstaff

大剑 Claymore

看守保护指环 Ring of Protection

小圆盾 Stout Shield

标枪 Javelin

秘银锤 Mithril Hammer

锁子甲 Chain Mail

铁艺头盔 Helm of Iron Will

板甲 Plate Mail

压抑之刃 Quelling Blade

暗盘商人 Marketplace

恶魔刀锋 Demon Edge

鹰角弓 Eaglehorn

希梅斯特的掠夺 Messerschmidt's Reaver/3200、斧头

神秘法杖 Mystic Staff/2700

圣者遗物 Sacred Relic/3800

治疗指环 Ring of Health/875

虚无宝石 Void Stone

振奋宝石 Hyperstone

精气之球 Point Booster

能量之球 Energy Booster

活力之球 Vitality Booster






6.61beta changelogs

* Fixed natural regeneration on rax


* Fixed Living Armor not regenerating structures properly


* Fixed incorrect sell value on some aghanim scepters

*修正某些时候卖出 A杖会有不正常价格的问题。

* Fixed Double Damage visual effect to properly show when the user is using low graphics mode


* Reduced Double Edge cooldown(25->12)

*降低双刃剑的冷却时间 25->12(半人马酋长)

* Watchers now have collision. They also have 400 less vision range and give+40 more bounty.


- Various misc code fps stuff


- Undid magic stick cd change


- Undid Sil armor change


- Fixed Reverse Polarity, it properly places them infront of you now


* Fixed an error in the damage calculation method for Plasma Field


* Reduced FPS drops when using Shiva's Guard and Plasma Field with some custom import files(PGRu-Unexpect3D)


* Improved Faceless Void's base strength(17->23)

增加虚空假面的初始力量 17—23

* Improved Silencer's base armor by 2 points


* Restored original cooldown improvement on Scepter for QoP


* Improved Searing Arrows damage from 10/20/30/40 to 20/30/40/50

增加骷髅弓箭手灼热之箭的伤害,从10/20/30/40改为 20/30/40/50

* Increased projectile speed on Mystic Snake


* Lowered Stone Gaze cooldown(70->35)


* Sven's Storm bolt now uses the normal unit targeting scheme. No gameplay changes, just the interface visuals.


* Fixed-ns mode


* Fixed Napalm not properly stacking and doing higher constant values [needs playtesting since it may be too useless now]


* Slightly increased Eyes in the Forest cast range(+25) to fix some order issue bugs [make sure u can't abuse it]


* Casting Nature's Guise on an allied unit will no longer take you out if if you have it on you


* Reverse Polarity now pulls units slightly infront of you instead of all around you


* Lowered Magic Stick/Wand cooldown from 17 to 13

*降低魔杖/棒的cd 17->13

* Added a new icon for Slardar's Bash(3587)

*为鱼人守卫的 bash添加一个新的图标

